6 events found.
Pancakes and Ponies
Save the date for our 2023 Pancakes and Ponies. More info to come! Here is how you can support Pancakes and Ponies https://givebox.com/pancakes-ponies-2023
Reserve your spot today https://signup.com/go/efhXAPj
2023 Spring Horse Show
Save the date for our Spring 2023 Horse Show. If you would like to sponsor this event please contact Kim O’Connor at 913-226-5906.
Reserve your spot today https://signup.com/go/efhXAPj
New Volunteer Orientation
Great Plains Adaptive Riding Academy 13380 Donahoo Rd, Kansas City, KS, United StatesInterested in becoming a volunteer? Please signup here (https://signup.com/go/efhXAPj) in order to reserve your spot. Please do not register if you are unable to attend.